The Whispers of Fall
“Autumn shows us
how beautiful it is
to let things go.”
The Whispers of Fall
by Debbie Allen
I once heard it said, “The only constant in life is change.” If ever there was a season in life that typified this truth, it is the season of autumn. I’ve always loved it! At the first sign of it, my heart begins to yearn for another glimpse of the indescribable colors God paints in broad strokes, all across the face of the Rocky Mountains. Sometimes, as I look at those glory-splashed hillsides I feel as though I’m seeing a combination of hues taken from God’s Own Divine Palette that may never be there again! That’s when I can hear the Artist Himself whispering down into my spirit, “For your eyes only….my child!” What a privilege it is as His child, to bear witness to this limited-edition beauty of God’s Handiwork. His Hand-Painted Masterpieces brushed onto the mountainsides of my own world! Who wouldn’t want to glimpse such splendor? It’s the very reason my husband and I faithfully embark on our mountain drives every fall season. In all the years we’ve been going on these fall excursions, my heart has only been disappointed once…and it taught me something my heart will never forget.
You see, I have a tendency to set myself up for disappointment by assuming things are going to be the same as they’ve always been. A few years ago, when the fall season descended on me, my spirit was particularly thirsty for a glimpse of those glory-splashed mountainsides. I’d undergone several surgeries on my right eye for a detached retina and for most of that particular summer, I was restricted from any sort of mountain drives, due to the pressure change it placed on my healing eye. When that constraint was finally lifted by my doctor, both my heart and my eye leaped for joy! Jim and I climbed into the car and headed straight for Squaw Pass; a favorite mountain retreat from which we love to view the Aspens. A recent summers-worth of hardship behind us now, I fully expected a show of glory-splashed hillsides like no other. But as we rounded each curve, near-empty aspen branches already shivered in an early fall breeze. The entire forest echoed with the crunch of coffee-brown leaves being scattered all across the forest floor. These were not the colors I’d expected from the Artist’s Palette. Only once did we spot an aspen tree with golden leaves still clinging to it. Though I understood that this scenery, too, was the Handiwork of God’s Brush, it was hard to picture this one splotch of gold standing in the midst of a mountainside full of barren branches as being the feast my eyes and heart came to devour. Worse than this, an unanticipated silence reigned in my soul because of it. To me…it seemed that the only thing highlighted in this particular day’s scenery was disappointment.
“Like Autumn leaves…we fade, wither, and fall.”
(Isaiah 64:6)
The following morning, I headed for my parent’s house to help care for my 83-year-old Dad, still recuperating from surgery. As I walked through his front yard, the sound of my feet crunching in ankle-deep, fallen leaves shifted my focus back to yesterday’s disappointment. Though I was standing in a different corner of my world; the scenery surrounding me was strikingly similar to the mountain drive we’d taken the day before. Barren branches, broken limbs, and a sea of lifeless, mushroom-colored leaves, yielding one last time to the chilly, autumn breeze. Had it not been for a single, burgundy, maple leaf that wafted down from a neighbor’s tree and came to rest in the middle of this sea-of-sameness; this landscape, too, was void of any color at all. I stood there not quite sure of how to react to another of Heaven’s one-splotch-of-color Masterpieces. In response, my beauty-starved spirit prompted me to pull out my phone and snap a picture of that single burgundy, maple leaf. And for the second time this autumn season, I left that scene in silent disappointment. Thankfully… the story didn’t end here.
That same evening, I sat at my desk reading a passage from Philippians 4:
“Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life.” (vs. 4)
“Fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always.” (vs.8b)
These words spoke directly to my heart that night. In the silence of the next few seconds, I pulled out my cell phone and glanced again at the picture I’d snapped earlier…the one I’d deemed anything but beautiful. That’s when I heard the Whispers of the Artist Himself speaking again, “For your eyes only…my child.” Though His words had made perfect sense on all our drives through glorious, color-splashed mountainsides, I struggled now to understand them in the context of His one-splotch Masterpieces.” Before I could utter even one question back to God, He was already gently, reminding my heart of this, “I am here, too.”
“Beauty still resides even in the midst of this world’s barrenness.”
–D. Allen–
His last four words impacted me in a way I will never forget. Nor will I ever look at the gift of God’s one-splotch Masterpieces quite the same. In reality, His words were His Signature on both of them. As my husband and I drove by those barren hillsides that fall day; we missed the true Beauty of that One-splotch of Gold we did see. In our disappointment, we also missed seeing the message that every aspen tree’s barren branches were pointing our hearts towards: Beauty still resides even in the midst of all this world’s barrenness.
Sometimes the things that we deem as ‘anything but beautiful’ in this life… are anything but what we deem them to be. God’s Perspective is as far removed from ours, as His Ways are higher than our own. Even so…just how often are we intentionally looking for Him in the circumstances of our seasons? Many times, I’ve regretted not having looked deeper at my surroundings that day while I stood in my dad’s front yard, ankle deep in lifeless leaves and broken branches. Had I done so, I may have seen it more as the timely Masterpiece God wanted me to see all along. I would’ve seen His Signature scrawled across that single, burgundy leaf, and I would’ve known that He placed it there as a reminder to my fragile heart in its own season of struggle, of this Beautiful Truth… “I Am here, too.” Here in your barrenness. Here in your brokenness. And here, standing before you as your Greatest Hope in the midst of all this world’s hopeless-ness.
“Fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always.”
(Philippians 4:8b TPT)
Dearest Father, help us to see the beauty you are continually painting onto the mountainsides of our own seasons in life. Open our physical and spiritual eyes to see the Beauty in both the Glory-splashed, Hand-Painted Masterpieces you set before us…as well as those one-splotch works of art that our frail hearts tend to question so frequently. Whatever season we find ourselves standing in…may we cry out in the words of King Asaph, “How we thank you, Lord! Your mighty miracles give us proof that YOU CARE.” (Psalm 75:1) Teach us to look for Your Signature…especially in our brokenness. You are our only Hope in the hopelessness that surrounds us in this life.
In Jesus Name…AMEN
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