“Itty-Bitty Love Story”

February 27, 2020 at 4:13 pm

   “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with everlasting kindness.”

(Jeremiah 31:3  )

Itty-Bitty Love Story!

 by Debbie Allen

One morning, while letting my fingers walk the boundaries of my I-pad, I stumbled across the snapshot above.  Though I realize a morning walk through the Pinterest Forest  doesn’t qualify as  r-e-a-l exercise; my heart still benefited  from the effort.  You see, on that walk I discovered my new, favorite exercise. The Grandma Exercise. Kiss and squeeze…Kiss and squeeze! There isn’t a Grandma (or Grandpa) in this world who would deny  the heart-benefits of doing several reps of this exercise.  Engaging in this unique form of cardio-workout far outweighs and outlasts the act of doing the Grandma Exercise itself.  Experts claim this workout, “Doesn’t do a thing for your weight, but oh what it does for your heart!”

To mine the deep wisdom of this almost contradictory statement, you must first  see it through the lens of Grandma’s glasses.  Doesn’t do a thing for your weight…”  focuses on the fact that, Grandma has nothing to lose and everything to gain  by engaging in this exercise frequently.

“Oh what it does for your heart!”  only magnifies what I see as a perfect caption for labeling the itty-bitty love story taking place inside a Grandma’s heart every time a grandchild’s arms wrap around her neck. Kiss and Squeeze and Kiss and Squeeze!

There’s a melting process that goes on inside my heart during these reps that’s indescribable. Though the experts who frequent the gyms of the Buff and Beautiful  deny the heart-benefits of such a workout; those of us who pound pavement with  fellow-members of Silver Sneakers Clubs across America beg-to-differ.  This Grandma Exercise is its own reward!


“Unlimited reps of this age-old exercise promise restored life and
rejuvenated hearts for Grandmas of any age!”
—Grammie Debbie—


Bu, the story doesn’t end here.  We’ve seen the physical heart-benefits surrounding this promise by peering through the lens of Grandma’s glasses. Now, slip on a pair of Spiritual Specs and focus on the deeper spiritual exercise I believe is in play here.

Those precious Kiss and Squeeze sessions in my life, those itty-bitty love stories that so enrapture my heart; double  as earthly reflections of Heaven’s Greatest Love Story.  I call it my Love and Lean exercise. It’s an exercise for the soul reflecting how our Heavenly Father loves to love His own children…you and I.

When I see my Grandbabies running toward me, full-force and open-armed, my heart pounds wildly; for I am reminded of God’s Love. Love that pursues me daily, Open-Armed and Full-of-Grace…even when I don’t deserve it.  Love and Lean…

When my Grandchild leans, nose pressed flat, against the front window anticipating my return from the store;  I can’t make my  Grammie-legs run fast enough toward the little heart whose voice I hear calling out my name!

God’s like that too, you know.  He stands watching and waiting every day in every corner of my life. He anticipates my presence any moment, eagerly calling out my name at the sight of me;  hoping for a love that reciprocates and runs for the sounds of His Voice!  Love and Lean…

When something or someone breaks my Grandchild’s heart, I love when they crawl up into my lap above all the other laps in the room; to whisper a broken “I love you” in my ear while their sobs subside.

God, too, desires our Love for Him to push us toward the safety of His Lap. That safe place He offers us where He may lavish us with His unconditional Love.  An Ever-Present refuge where tears may dry and heartbreaks mend.  Love and Lean…

When my Grandchildren were toddlers, they always found reasons to sleep with Grammie and Grandpa when they spent the night (We loved it!). When Grandpa said “Lights out!” they snuggled as close as they could get to us. I marveled at how quickly perfect peace washed over their expressions as they fell asleep. Sometimes in the middle of the night, they’d wake up afraid; but as soon as they saw who they were with; they’d re-snuggle and go right back to sleep.

God loves being close to His children too. The closer we move to His Heart the safer we remain.  When we wake up and find ourselves  surrounded by darkness, all we have to do is glance over and focus on Who is next to us. Lean into Him, and find rest and comfort in His Wonderful Presence. Love and Lean…

Someone once said, “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your Grandchildren.” I couldn’t agree more. For the span of time they choose to dangle there, rest assured, there’s a little bit of Heaven embracing your heart.   So… Kiss and Squeeze and Love and Lean  to your heart and soul’s content! Unlimited reps of these age-old exercises promise restored life and rejuvenated hearts for Grandmas (and Grandpas) of all ages!


Living in our  self-centered world of v-e-r-y conditional thinking, its easy to lose sight of what un-conditional love even looks like.  Then…my Grandchildren came along!  They are my perfect picture of boundless love. Love that runs to you at the mere sound of your voice. Love you can trust even in the dark. Love that pursues you no-matter-what. A Love worth clinging to …a love I wouldn’t trade for anything else in this world! My Grandchildren are a daily reminder to my heart,  of the kind of Love God desires from each of His own children…you and I.

Have you ever stood face-to-face with un-conditional love?

If so, what about that moment captured your heart?

How was your life changed because of it?

Prayer:  Dearest Lord…I thank You for my Grandchildren…precious reflections of Your un-conditional Love in my life.  Thankyou for allowing such love to continually grace me, even in my later years.  Keep my arms strong enough to wrap tightly around those you’ve given me to love…and my heart rejuvenated with faith enough to know I can continually look-up and Love and Lean on You  without reserve or hesitation.  In Jesus Name…Amen